Jeff Cohn is a Photographer based in Philadelphia and working everywhere. His style is bright, vibrant, colorful and just a tad edgy.
He creates scroll stoppers.

About Me

I studied Marketing in college and have always been passionate about visual advertising. I started working for the band KMFDM as their webmaster and was eventually brought on tour as their photographer. Over the next 18 years, I honed my skills in various areas, including model, runway, fashion, lifestyle, product, and food photography.

During the early pandemic, I focused on food, product, and stop motion animation. My personal photography style is influenced by pop art, glam, and gothic styles. My biggest inspirations are from photographers and artists such as; Miles Aldridge, Leslie Grow, Joanie Simon, Ian Shiver, Zach Vitale, Tim Walker, Rob Sheridan, Tim Burton, Mark Ryden and David LaChappelle,

I tailor my style to each project and collaborate closely with clients to achieve their desired result. Collaboration and communication are the key to success.

I am fully vaccinated and have a valid passport.

This is my face!


 Fun Facts

  • I collect Vinyl Records, I have 31 David Bowie albums and have recently completed my Nine Inch Nails Collection.

  • I’ve had three Pugs over the years; Elvis Pugsly , Iggy Poop, and currently I have a pug named Bowie (as well as a cat named Setzer)

  • I’m a life-long Philadelphia Flyers fan, I had a Flyers bib as a baby, I went to Bobby Clarke Day Camp as a kid, I was a Sales Intern for them in 1993 right after they signed Eric Lindros.

  • I drink more chai lattes then coffee, however it’s close.

  • My favorite non-Star Wars related movies are Almost Famous and True Romance.

  • I’m happiest during a blizzard

  • I love tacos

  • I watch a lot of TV, but my favorite shows of all time are probably all of Anthony Bourdain’s, 24, and Peaky Blinders

  • I have a fairly large collection of photography coffee table books and rock-star memoirs